Though they're small in size and appear friendly white, dandruff spreads quite a panic every time you find it on your shoulders or when it falls from the head like snow in Christmas. Different anti-dandruff shampoos claim 100% success in removing dandruff but that does seem applicable only to the actors who tell that to you.
Here, let's read about what dandruff really is and what are it's symptoms, causes etc.
Here, let's read about what dandruff really is and what are it's symptoms, causes etc.
What is Dandruff exactly :-
Actually, dandruff is nothing but the dead skin cells, which develop on the scalp, and cause itching and hair fall. It's a white powder like substance, which is dry or oily and covers the scalp surface of the head.
Common reasons for Dandruff :-
Common reasons for Dandruff :-
- Impairment of general health, wrong food intake, constipation : The main causes of dandruff are impairment of general health, development of a toxic condition mainly due to taking of wrong foods, constipation, and a low vitality due to infectious diseases.
- Emotional Tension, Harsh Shampoos, General Exhaustion : Other factors contributing to this disorder are emotional tension, harsh shampoos, exposure to cold, and general exhaustion.
- Overuse of Hair Styling Products Such as Hair Gel or Hairspray : The frequent use of styling products may also trigger a scalp reaction that results in dandruff. In such cases, terminating the use of these products for a few weeks will help to remedy the situation.
- Frequent Exposure to Extreme Temperatures : The regular exposure to extreme heat is one of the contributing factors or causes of dandruff. In such cases, it is best to use a scarf or hat to protect one’s scalp from the elements.
- Scalp Specific Fungus : A certain type of fungus that is commonly found on the scalp is thought to be one of the factors that cause dandruff. This fungus is generally present in very small amounts on the scalp and when this amount increases, it becomes a scalp infection that results in dandruff.
- Dandruff increases one’s risk of scalp infections, especially dry skin conditions, like psoriasis.
- Dandruff can also cause itching on your forehead and face as it settles on your skin. This may explain why some people tend to confuse the itchiness and skin irritation symptoms of lice, or rather head lice with dandruff.
tips to combat dandruff :-
- All-fruit diet with three meala a day of juicy fruits : Diet plays an important role in the treatment of dandruff. To begin with, the patient should resort to an all-fruit diet for about five days and take three meals a day of juicy fruits.
- Avoid citrus fruits, bananas, tinned fruits : Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed, or tinned fruits should not be taken.
- Well-balanced diet : After the all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Further short periods of an all-fruit diet for three days or so may be necessary at monthly intervals till the skin's condition improves.
- Avoid strong tea/coffee, pickles, refined and processed foods.
- Meats, sugar, white flour, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should all be avoided.Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
here are some home remedies that can be tried without any hesitation of side -effects :-
- Take two to three teaspoons of lemon juice in a bowl and then soak some cotton in it and with the help of that cotton apply the lemon juice all over your scalp, leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash of your hairs with a good anti-dandruff shampoo. You can use conditioner after that. Try it twice a week and see the result that follows.
- Another best way to get rid of dandruff is to soak the towel in hot water and then wrap that towel around your head for about 10 minutes, it is very useful as it helps in improving the blood circulation and thus helps in removing dandruff. Continue this hot water therapy for several weeks and you will see the change.
- Take some vinegar say about two teaspoons and mix it with five to six teaspoons of water and apply this mixture on the scalp before going to the bed. Wrap your head with a handkerchief or a towel for the whole night. Next morning wash your hairs with a good anti-dandruff shampoo. Continue this for around one and a half months and you will definitely see the results.
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